Ways to Give

Gift of Cash or Check

Checks payable to the Adler Aphasia Center.

If you choose to donate in Tribute, In Honor of, or In Memory of, please include a note or in the memo line.

Checks or cash can be mailed to:

Adler Aphasia Center
60 West Hunter Ave.
Maywood, NJ 07607

Gift of Credit Card

One-time or recurring via Adler’s Monthly Refill Program

Make this a monthly gift

Donate in Tribute
In Honor of
In Memory of

Matching Gifts Make Your Donation Go Further

You can maximize your charitable contribution to the Adler Aphasia Center through matching gifts, a special benefit many companies offer their employees. Check with your human resources department to determine whether your workplace offers matching of gifts. The Adler Aphasia Center’s Tax ID number is 02-0687863.

Buy a Plaque for Our Donor Wall

Created to celebrate our 15th anniversary in 2018, our Strengthening Voices campaign is showcased in our lobby’s donor wall. The success of this campaign helps ensure that the Center can sustain and expand programming on behalf of people with aphasia for years to come.

Please add your voice to ours by making a gift and securing a plaque in your name on our Donor Wall. Contact Naomi Gewirtz at ngewirtz@adleraphasiacenter.org or 201-368-8585.

Place an Order at Our Something Special Store

Gifts of Stock

Did you know that gifting long-term appreciated securities is in most cases more tax advantageous than gifting cash?

This is because capital gains taxes can be avoided on gifts of long-term appreciated assets. To learn more: Contact Naomi Gewirtz at ngewirtz@adleraphasiacenter.org or 201-368-8585.

IRA Charitable Rollover

You can support the Adler Aphasia Center and avoid including all or some of your required minimum distributions in your taxable income by making a charitable gift of up to $100,000 directly from your IRA to the Adler Aphasia Center. To learn more: Contact Naomi Gewirtz at ngewirtz@adleraphasiacenter.org or 201-368-8585.

Donor-Advised Funds

Some taxpayers find that donor-advised funds help monitor charitable giving activity, efficiently involve their family in charitable gift discussions and maximize tax benefits. The Adler Aphasia Center welcomes grants from donor-advised funds. For your DAF grant request, please notify our staff and use the Adler Aphasia Center’s Federal Tax ID:02-0687863.

You can also name the Adler Aphasia Center as your DAF beneficiary which designates remaining funds towards our mission.

Join the Adler Legacy Society

The Adler Aphasia Legacy Society honors individuals who have made a planned gift.  Examples of Planned Gifts include provisions made in wills and trusts, retirement plans and life insurance policies, charitable remainder and lead trusts, and charitable gift annuities. Your gift to the Adler Legacy Society will be appropriately acknowledged and may be made in honor or memory of a loved one. Members’ names will appear in the Adler Aphasia Center’s Annual report and other publications. We will honor any requests to remain anonymous.

Benefits of Membership:
  • An Adler Legacy Society lapel pin and certificate of recognition
  • Invitation to special Legacy Society events
  • The satisfaction of making a gift to ensure the strength of the Adler Aphasia Center for future generations.
  • If you would like to learn more about the Adler Legacy Society, please contact Naomi Gewirtz at ngewirtz@adleraphasiacenter.org or 201-368-8585
To Join:

Complete the Adler Legacy Society gift form and return to the Center.

Gifts in the Will

You want to leave money to the Adler Aphasia Center, but desire flexibility to change your mind should circumstances warrant.  A bequest in your will or trust accomplishes both.

Did you know: Setting up a beneficiary designation on a bank, brokerage, retirement account or life insurance policy offers this same flexibility?

Next Steps:

1) Contact the Adler Aphasia Center at 201-368-8585 to discuss your gift.
2) Seek the advice of your financial or legal advisor.
3) If you include the Adler Aphasia Center in your plans, please use our legal name and federal tax ID.

Details to share with your advisor:
Legal Name: Adler Aphasia Center
Address: 60 West Hunter Avenue, Maywood, NJ 07607
Federal Tax ID:  02-0687863
Sample bequest language: “I give, devise and bequeath to the Adler Aphasia Center the sum of $_____[or___%] to be used for Adler Aphasia Center’s general use and purposes. 

Flexible giving option

Your legacy of charitable giving continues at the Adler Aphasia Center

Plan a visit to experience our programs and facilities.
Have some questions? We’d love to answer them.
Make a donation, or share your time and resources with us.