Aphasia Resources

General Resources

Aphasia Access
A resource for healthcare professionals who subscribe to the Life Participation Approach to Aphasia. 

American Heart and Stroke Association
Provides general information on stroke.

Aphasia Hope Foundation
A non-profit organization dedicated to promoting aphasia research and providing access to treatment for people with aphasia.

Aphasia Institute (Toronto) 
Provides aphasia friendly resources and aphasia training. 

Aphasia Software Finder
A free online resource to find software programs and apps that can help improve communication.

American Speech-Language and Hearing Association
Professional organization for speech-language pathologists the provides general information on stroke, aphasia, and other communication disorders.

National Aphasia Association
A non-profit organization dedicated to promoting public education, research, rehabilitation, and support services for people with aphasia and their loved ones.

National Institute of Health
Provides information on aphasia and its causes.


For Caregivers

Adler Aphasia Center Caregiver Program
Information about our caregiver program and support groups.

Online resource for caregivers.

National Aphasia Association’s Aphasia Caregiver Guide
This guide provides advice for navigating aphasia and your loved one’s care without losing yourself on the journey.

Today’s Caregiver 
Provides information, articles and newsletters for caregivers.

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